Monday, January 18, 2010

Who's Who

When I was in college, I was named to "Who's Who among American College Students". I'm sure I thought I was a big deal.

Who's Who, however, seems to have gotten out of control. Almost weekly I get notified of my "nomination" to be part of "Who's Who among Executives, Who's Who among women leaders? Who's Who among Intellectuals, Who's Who among middle-aged divorcees?"...well, you get the picture. Thankfully, I no longer think "Who's Who" is such a big deal.

Today I received an invite to "Cambridge Who's Who" which went on to describe itself as a "Registry of Distinguished Invividuals". Even if I thought Who's Who was a big deal, an even bigger deal is the ability to spell.

Anyone want to nominate me to Who's Who among Excellent Spellers?

1 comment:


OH my gosh, this is too funny.